How to Stay Motivated on your Entrepreneurial Journey

A common theme in the entrepreneurial world is losing motivation. When it comes to taking the big leap into being your own boss, it can be a little disheartening (and even a little frightening) when things don’t set into motion straight away, and the urge to jump back into the comfort of an 8 am – 5 pm is understandably strong. Even when you do start to see a little traction in your path, being in charge of your own time, projects and your own work day can quickly lead to burn out and a loss of motivation! I’d love to share with you some of my own tips that I’ve taken through my entrepreneurial journey, that have helped me stay motivated and lead me to the path of self-made success!


Plan Ahead

Planning out your day or week can really make a huge difference to your productivity levels, and your work-life balance! Schedule in your social time, and block your days for work, networking and brainstorming. Don’t forget to schedule in breaks – if you feel like you’re on a roll and don’t want to stop then go ahead and keep working but leave yourself some down time to help avoid burnout. Waking up without a plan is a sure-fire way to waste the day and go to bed stressed about something you’ve forgotten.


Remember Good Things Take Time

Keep the motivation alive by remembering exactly how much hard work goes into becoming a successful business owner or entrepreneur. Take a little time each day to ground yourself and remember that this is not a journey of instant gratification for anyone. Did you know that J.K Rowling’s original pitch for ‘Harry Potter’ was rejected 12 times? Imagine if she had given up. Harland Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC, didn’t become a millionaire until 73 years old after his recipe was rejected by numerous restaurants. It’s never too late to start, and it’s never a good time to stop trying. If you feel like you’re not getting anywhere, maybe switch up your ways of working or tweak your current pitches. Whatever you do, don’t stop.

Set Goals: The 1-2-3 Method

Having goals is a perfect way to measure your personal achievements on your entrepreneurial journey. However, the ‘end goal’ can sometimes take many people years to reach, so it can be a little unrealistic and hard to stay motivated. Something I recommend using is the 1-2-3 goal setting method.

1: Set your BIG GOAL.

 2: Set TWO MEDIUM GOALS, usually tasks, that by achieving you will be closer to the big goal.

3: Set THREE SMALL GOALS for each medium goal that will get you closer them once finished.

It’s a great way to track the little thing you’re achieving and maintain your motivations!

Goals, planning and a little perspective are the best ways to stay on track and keep you motivated to achiever your dreams! Do you have any of your own tips? Why not leave a comment!

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